Nov 10, 2011

Be Still (Art Exhibit) Launch

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An hour and thirty minutes before the launch of the exhibit, I sat listening to some songs with my phone as i waited for the others to arrive. It’s been some time since I’ve been part of an exhibit.

I had with me my contribution for the cocktails (tuna spread which I mixed, cheese dip, different crackers, and disposable utensils and plates in a yellow SM plastic bag) and was ready to hand to Xander, our organizer, the other prints and materials for the exhibit.
Xander, Edi, and Dwight arrived and  we set up the tables and other things right before 4pm. Everything was going according to plan.
In came the other artists, friends of the artists, and other guests. Food was served and surprises were set up for the guests.

There were at least 50 guests (I may have missed the others) for the show and the warmth and appreciation of our works made our day.
The excitement I had the time I got in at the venue still continues up to now because of all the other opportunities made possible by this event!

It was a great experience to meet different artists with their own styles, where each and every one of them are bound to be household names in the Philippine (and hopefully international) art scene.

I pray for the success of each and every artist that was part of the show and everyone who supports us!

As you scroll down, you will see some photos of the launch.

If you wish to see photos of the artwork, or contact the artists, you may visit

Thank you visitors, loved ones, and patrons for visiting the exhibit! God bless!

the artworks that were raffled!

that's louie to the left in front of noel's painting
the lucky winner!

the artists of the exhibit!

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