Jan 25, 2012


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I've been indoors for three days. I haven't shaved for 4 days. Good thing I remembered to eat. Kindly warn my future wife I have these episodes hehe. Anyway, I hope you like it:)


Jan 24, 2012

Line Art (and a few thoughts on a Waterdragon)

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Earlier in the evening I got a bit excited about this whole "Waterdragon" year which should be lucky for me.  But as I worked on some pieces after the whole waterdragon thing I didn't feel that comfortable with my hand or with the subjects and medium and whatever.  To get this waterdragon luck running, maybe a long walk would work. Or a good chat. Or a reaffirmation of I don't know. Or a donut. Or a beer. Or a cigarette.  I should probably disappear a bit. It doesn't matter anyway. This waterdragon better be lucky!

Even the Strong

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For similar works, kindly go here which leads to others too. Thanks for visiting!

Jan 23, 2012

Back from Baguio!

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And I'm back from my trip! My apologies I haven't finished on the painting I was wishing to post before I left. But! I took some photos:) Here are some of my favorite shots on the trip.

the number of the room I stayed in
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